Thai Rice Noodles

Ingredients: Thai rice noodles, red cabbage, shreaded carrots, himalayan salt, seasame oil, sesame seeds. Prep:  Cut the red cabbage in thin slices. We suggest you use pre-shreaded carrots, only because you can use them in so many other recipes as well. If they are whole carrots, or baby carrots, you can slice them, or cut them in circles; it is your choice! Cooking: Put your rice noodles to boil. Add just enough Himalayan salt to taste. Make sure they soften to taste, and then drain. At the same time, place them in a medium-hot pan with a bit of non-stick spray. Add the vegetables and top with the sesame oil. Now stir them and let them cook for a good 5-10 minutes. You will see them get tender and golden. Serving: Place your rice noodles on a plate, drained. Top them with the cooked red cabbage and carrots. Now decorate with sesame seeds on top.

Vegan Meatballs in Arugula Salad

Ingredient: Vegan meatballs. They can be frozen or fresh. Baby arugula, diced tomatoes, Himalayan salt, black pepper, oregano, extra virgin olive oil. Prep: Wash your baby arugula and the tomatoes you will be using. Cooking: Place your meatballs with light Himalayan salt and a bit of extra virgin olive oil in a medium-hot pan. Cook until soft. You can make them crispy by increasing the heat and turning them constantly while they cook on just the crust. Simultaneous;y, mix your diced tomatoes, Himalayan, salt, and ground pepper on a pan and cook until the red is brilliant. Serve: Make a bed of freshly washed arugula. Drain it to make sure the arugula is crisp. Place your vegan meatballs on top. Over this, cover with your diced tomatoes. Sprinkle on a bit of extra virgin oil to serve.